Information for Ear Surgery

  • The following medications are NOT to be used 1 week before or after surgery unless directed by your doctor as they may cause bleeding. If you are not sure, ask the doctor.

    Advil, Aspirin, Coumadin, Ibuprofen, Plavix, Ticlid, Warfarin, Xarelto, Eliquis
    Anti-inflammatory or blood thinner medications
    ANY herbal, naturopathic or homeopathic medications

  • Try to remain quiet and restful for the first few days after surgery.

  • A low-grade fever during the first 48 hours post-op is not unusual, and is best controlled with Tylenol (Acetaminophen). If it persists, contact the doctor’s office.

  • Some nasal or ear discharge and slight bleeding is to be expected for a few days after surgery. However, if you develop increasing ear pain or ear swelling, please contact the office or go to your nearest Emergency room/Urgent Care.

  • Unless you are told otherwise, all stitches are self-dissolving and do not require removal.

  • It is normal to have a small degree of numbness in or around the ear or nose due to the surgery. This is generally temporary.

  • DO NOT blow your nose for 1 week after surgery – wipe your nose instead. If you have to sneeze, do so with your mouth wide open.

  • DO NOT engage in ANY major physical activities that can increase heart rate or blood pressure for the first week after surgery.

  • DO NOT fly for at least one month after surgery (check specifics with Dr. Rotenberg).

  • You may wash your hair after surgery but try not to allow any soap or water to enter the ear canal (use common sense).

  • It is normal for the ear to feel full or crackly for the first little while after surgery, and the hearing may feel temporarily down.

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