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Before your balloon sinuplasty procedure, Dr. Rotenberg will perform a complete examination to ensure you don’t have any conditions that would prevent the success of the procedure. You will also need a CT scan of your sinuses before surgery.

There are some medications and supplements Dr. Rotenberg may suggest you stop taking for 2 weeks prior to your appointment. These could cause bleeding during or after the balloon sinuplasty.

On the day of your procedure, you will receive a general anesthetic. Dr. Rotenberg will use a decongestant spray and local anesthetic as well as an injected anesthetic similar to something you would have at the dentist office. When the area is prepped, Dr. Rotenberg will insert a thin instrument with the balloon through your nose and into the targeted sinus area. Once it is situated, the balloon will gently be inflated and held for five seconds. The instrument may need to be repositioned and repeated, depending on the individual. When the sinuses are opened, the balloon is deflated and removed.

Within one hour of completion, you’ll be on your way. You will likely leave with some gauze under your nose to collect any drainage, which you can change as often as you feel you need to.

We suggest taking an over-the-counter pain medication when the anesthetic wears off. You will also use a nasal spray over the next few days and an antibiotic. We suggest sleeping in a recliner or elevating your head to help reduce morning nasal congestion. You should avoid blowing your nose for the first 24 hours and gently after that. Patients should refrain from strenuous activity on the day of the procedure.

You will experience some swelling and tenderness as well as bloody discharge for several days. However, most people are back to work the next day and experiencing the full benefits of the procedure within a few weeks.

If you feel the balloon sinuplasty is the right option for you, book a consultation with Dr. Rotenberg today and get started on your road to recovery!